Who Am I?
I’m Tom, and I am the lead Sport and Exercise Performance Consultant at Leading Edge Performance.
Having faced my own sporting challenges, I have recognised the importance of developing a mindset which cultivates the best attitude to pursue and achieve my goals, whether this is in sport or not. The power this type of mindset holds is enormous, and plays a pivotal role in not just achieving your goals but improving well-being, both physical and mental, and constant personal development.
It goes without saying that I am passionate about the performance of my clients.
I work with a wide range of people, from individual athletes to teams, parents, coaches and clubs. By breaking down complex psychological theories which underpin sport and performance into simple-to-use techniques, I can help improve the understanding of the science behind performance. With this knowledge I work with clients to implement it into athletes’ and teams’ routines to achieve a complete, cohesive and science-based approach to ever-continuing performance development.
Alongside my work as a performance coach, I am undertaking a PhD in Performance and Management Psychology within sport at Loughborough University, ranked as the world’s best university for sports-related subjects in the global QS higher education league table. This provides further opportunities for me to partake in continuous professional development and training to further my development as a practitioner.
Based in the North of England, I provide consultations, face-to-face or through various other methods, such as video-call, nationwide. By reaching out to athletes through various media, it means that no one seeking my help is too far from my help
Registered Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist with The British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology (DSEP). All conversations, communications and associated work are therefore informed by the BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct.